One Tree
This event for 2019 has been cancelled due to low registrations.
We hope to see you at another event in the future.
2019 Retreat Keynote Speaker
Susan Kasper from Evolve Now
Self-discovery and the potential we have as human beings who are able to live from our deepest knowledge, is her life's work. Susan has an uncanny ability to move smoothly and comfortably through multiple modalities and, in a light and playful way, to help people discover their own depth and ability. With 35 years as a world class coach and facilitator, Susan brings a wealth of training and mastery to her private counselling, workshops and retreats. Her background includes Gestalt Therapy, Encounter, Rebirthing, and Advanced Training for Psychotherapists, as well as Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. Her experience includes over 20 years of meditation practice. Susan has also traveled extensively, listening and learning from masters and sages in India, the US and Canada.
Saturday Morning:
Workshop - Communication From the Inside Out
In our interactions, when we have our attention on the outer circumstance, or on the other person who we are trying to relate to, and on the outcome of an interaction, we feel uncertain and confused about what to do or say. We spend our time trying to gauge where the other person is at, what they mean, and how they may feel if we say this or that in response. So, we are not really there, but are engaged in trying to get it right, or make things right, get the desired result.
This workshop brings the participant back to her own experience, ro her own sense of being authentic in her interactions, and to her own inner wisdom. Learning to listen and speak from the inside out is the source of real satisfaction in any interaction. The results becomes secondary, and the enjoyment of one’s own expression increases exponentially..
Saturday Afternoon:
Keynote #1 - What is Real Beauty?
This weekend is about discovering the beauty within, but first I think we have to look and see what we mean by beauty, what our idea of beauty is, and perhaps question what we have been taught and what we agreed with in regards to beauty. We need to establish a fresh approach to how we look at beauty, and lean toward .seeing with the kind of eyes that are more interested in what uplifts and empowers, than in judgment or conclusion.
In this interactive talk we will look at our own perception of beauty and seek to establish a definition of beauty that is universal. To do that we will need to uncover and perhaps abandon our old ideas and beliefs about beauty. Once we realize that there is a beauty that is beyond the physical, beyond the cultural, and beyond our judgment, a beauty that is based more on the place from where we are looking than, on what the outer vision perceives, we can live our lives looking for real beauty within each person we meet, and within our own selves.
Sunday Morning:
Keynote #2 - Relating From the Real You
We often think we have to be better or different than we are in our interactions with others. This is because, well for so many reasons. We don’t want others to think badly of us. We want to impress, show the best side of ourselves. We want to be kind to others, not be hurtful or judgmental. We want to be understood, accepted, and loved for who we are. With all that going on, is it any wonder that we often feel that we’re not really being real in our conversations, and in our relationships.
Mostly we’re looking out there to see how to be. And even when we’re looking inside, we’re looking at the outside of the inside. By that I mean we’re looking at our thoughts, our opinions, our emotions and our perceived needs. It’s so complicated.
In this talk we’ll ask what it takes to feel natural, at ease, and authentic in our relationships. Rather than trying to be a certain way, we are able to come to a deep resting place inside, back home you might say, a place that is open, available, and unencumbered.
This interactive talk is about seeing, dropping into and relating from the simplest and most direct place in us. Small children know how to do it. And so do we.

2019 Retreat Workshop Descriptions and Presenters
Saturday Morning:
Yoga - TBD
Description coming soon
The Art of Journaling - Erin Meyers
Description coming soon
Homeopathy for the Home - Bella Amberiadis
Homeopathy for the Home. Intro to homeopathy and information about using homeopathic remedies for everyday concerns.
Workshop - Communication From the Inside Out
In our interactions, when we have our attention on the outer circumstance, or on the other person who we are trying to relate to, and on the outcome of an interaction, we feel uncertain and confused about what to do or say. We spend our time trying to gauge where the other person is at, what they mean, and how they may feel if we say this or that in response. So, we are not really there, but are engaged in trying to get it right, or make things right, get the desired result.
This workshop brings the participant back to her own experience, ro her own sense of being authentic in her interactions, and to her own inner wisdom. Learning to listen and speak from the inside out is the source of real satisfaction in any interaction. The results becomes secondary, and the enjoyment of one’s own expression increases exponentially..
Saturday Afternoon:
Keynote #1 - What is Real Beauty?
This weekend is about discovering the beauty within, but first I think we have to look and see what we mean by beauty, what our idea of beauty is, and perhaps question what we have been taught and what we agreed with in regards to beauty. We need to establish a fresh approach to how we look at beauty, and lean toward .seeing with the kind of eyes that are more interested in what uplifts and empowers, than in judgment or conclusion.
In this interactive talk we will look at our own perception of beauty and seek to establish a definition of beauty that is universal. To do that we will need to uncover and perhaps abandon our old ideas and beliefs about beauty. Once we realize that there is a beauty that is beyond the physical, beyond the cultural, and beyond our judgment, a beauty that is based more on the place from where we are looking than, on what the outer vision perceives, we can live our lives looking for real beauty within each person we meet, and within our own selves.
Prayer Flags Making
Live Music - TBD
Saturday Evening:
Djembe Drumming - Glenda Macleod
Find your rhythm and let loose at the One Tree Village retreat drum lesson and rhythm circle with Glenda MacLeod! We are thrilled to have Glenda's enthusiastic energy back again this year! Check it out!
Glenda has been studying the music, song and dance of Guinea, West Africa and surrounding countries for 20 years. She has attended workshops with visiting master drummers and dancers from West Africa in Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary and the Gambia.
In this workshop you will learn the drumming parts, song and dance steps for one rhythm from the Malinke people of Guinea.
The workshop will be followed by a more casual drum and rhythm circle. For this portion, your various drums, other rhythm instruments and dancing are all welcome!
Bring your own Djembe or rent a Djembe for $5. (You can book a drum when you sign up for the workshop at check-in on Friday.)
Sunday Morning:
Yoga - TBD
Description coming soon
Keynote #2 - Relating From the Real You
We often think we have to be better or different than we are in our interactions with others. This is because, well for so many reasons. We don’t want others to think badly of us. We want to impress, show the best side of ourselves. We want to be kind to others, not be hurtful or judgmental. We want to be understood, accepted, and loved for who we are. With all that going on, is it any wonder that we often feel that we’re not really being real in our conversations, and in our relationships.
Mostly we’re looking out there to see how to be. And even when we’re looking inside, we’re looking at the outside of the inside. By that I mean we’re looking at our thoughts, our opinions, our emotions and our perceived needs. It’s so complicated.
In this talk we’ll ask what it takes to feel natural, at ease, and authentic in our relationships. Rather than trying to be a certain way, we are able to come to a deep resting place inside, back home you might say, a place that is open, available, and unencumbered.
This interactive talk is about seeing, dropping into and relating from the simplest and most direct place in us. Small children know how to do it. And so do we.
Sunday Afternoon:
Healing Our Way to a ReWilded Earth - Nicole Bradford
Surrounded by discouraging social and environmental indicators, I'm building hope and strength by designing and sharing tools that help ME BECOME the change I wish to see in the World.
Come and play with me through a series of exercises designed to help free us from our fears and connect us deeply, according to our precious needs and values.
Ecstatic Dance - Bonnie Iris
Dance. Moving each cell, each molecule - creating space for the mind to relax and to let the body groove. Imagine a place of pure enjoyment, a deep presence with Self and smiling from the inside out. Bonnie is passionate about creating space to deepen into self through meditative movement. Guiding people to open into their innate body wisdom, offering universal keys to connect, experience and transform. As a certified Inner Journeys Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, Bonnie holds space for your fullest expression to deepen into Self.
Green Goddess Circle - CannaGoddess Collective
Green Goddess Circle. Cannabis enhanced women's sharing circle.
2019 Retreat Healers and Private Sessions
Integrating the past Session with Susan Kasper
Often we want to relieve ourselves of our past, stop being run by the patterning and conditioning we have inherited, where we find ourselves repeating what was left to us by our relatives or ancestors. We want to alleviate the ongoing pain of our past memories and experiences, relieve the shame of what we have said or done. We want to be free of it so we aren’t run by it, and trapped in something old, so that we miss the real opportunities of this life
This private session is about accessing the power that we have concerning our pasts.We become clear where to look. We settle into a deeper place inside. And then, from there, we enter into something of the past to learn how to be with it when it arises, what to relate to when we are faced with anything from our past, without ‘trying’ to change ourselves, or the other, and anything that has happened to us or anything we have done.
Integrative Energy Healing Session with EmilieHealing
This 1 hour session includes energy healing with Reiki, crystal healing and sound therapy with tuning forks. It provides a reading and balancing of you chakras. You can expect to leave this session relaxed and with more clarity. Can include a card reading and spirit animal connection. Regular 1 hour session is $75 - 50% off at the retreat!
Raindrop Therapy Session with EmilieHealing
Raindrop Technique combines unique, targeted massage and energy approaches with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating, and relaxing experience. The technique provides a revolutionary mean of nurturing harmony-physically, mentally, and emotionally. Regular 1 hour session is $75 - 50% off at the retreat!
2019 Retreat Music, Performers and Market Place
GEMinate Creations
GEMinate GEMinate is a holistic apparel company, focusing on ethical and sustainable practices. We believe in creating awareness with what you wear and that is why we use all natural fibres like hemp, organic cotton and merino wool in our handmade designs, embedding energizing crystals and gemstones into each garment. Product Offerings Crystal Jewellery - Macramé Necklaces - Bracelets - Felted Earrings - Felted Necklaces Crystal Clothing made with Hemp and Organic Cotton - Chakra Tunic - Yin Yang Tank - Gaia Pants - Vests Merino Wool Felted Garments embedded with Crystals - Vests - Scarfs & Shawls Miscellaneous Items - Cosmo Bags - Crystal Aromatherapy Sprays - Liquid Love, Crystal Clear & Forest Fresh - Felted Soaps - Lavender, Lemongrass, Cinnamon Orange & Peppermint All items are handmade with love by Bonnie & Ashley