One Tree
Our Purpose
One Tree Village is committed to developing strong, supportive relationships within a community setting as well as cultivating authentic, responsible, and respectful spiritual awareness and practice that aligns with the cycles of nature.
It is our intention to provide a peaceful space for community gatherings while creating opportunity to share and celebrate the balance of our own inner wisdom, the rhythms of the natural world, and the teachings of old.
Our History
One Tree Village officially began in November 2012 on the new moon with the first monthly Women's Gathering at the acreage. However, the spirit of the community was in place long before that. The space had hosted previous ceremonies and gatherings led by various people in a random schedule, sometimes following the moon cycles, sometimes just on a whim. In 2014, the community came together to include all members of the family, with community drum circles on full moons as well as continuing the new moon women's circle. Now, One Tree Village has changed and expanded the Women's Gathering to meet biweekly according to the moon cycles and also offers various learning workshops as well as other community and family-centered events. We are always growing and changing!
Our Projects

Here are a few of the things One Tree Village is currently involved in:
-Women's Gatherings
-Earth Children Circles
-Maiden's Circles
-Community potlucks
-Learning workshops
-Weekend Retreats
In the future, we hope to also include the following:
-Men and young men's gatherings
To learn how you can help develop these projects further, click the link below.

Our Organizers and Volunteers
Bev Wein
Bev, co-founder/director of One Tree Village, often facilitates ceremonies and meditation during circle time. She is also involved in organization and hosts events at her acreage south of Calgary. In addition, she handles finances and is the primary facilitator of the Maidens' Circle and Earth Children.
Bev is an Integrative Chakra Therapy® practitioner and instructor as well as an herbalist practicing under her company Sage Traditions, the umbrella under which One Tree Village was first created. She has always felt a strong connection with nature and finds the Village to be a fulfilling way to live in harmony with the energies of Mother Earth.
Carissa Murray
Co-founder/director of One Tree Village, Carissa is involved in event and workshop organization, administration, and website design. She enjoys co-hosting the gatherings and occasionally leading ceremony during circle time.
Carissa is a mother of three, and as a registered midwife she has a passion for women's health as well as spirituality. Spending time with midwives and healers in the past has inspired her to find ways to authentically connect with natural spirituality and ceremonial practices in her own life and in a community setting. The Village is her way of reconnecting with friends and family and refuelling her spirit.