One Tree
Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't find the answer to your question here, please contact us!
1) Who can come to events?
Community Potlucks:
Anybody is welcome to join! We encourage you to bring friends and family members. Children are also welcome! No registration is required for these drop-in events.
Women's Gatherings and Retreat:
These gatherings are intended for women to connect with each other in a safe, private space and step out of everyday responsibility to consciously partake in self-care, introspection, and spiritual awareness. The New Moon circle attendance is by registration only, with registration opportunities opening twice a year at the spring and autumn equinox The Full Moon circles are open drop-in circles and do not require registration. The retreat also requires advanced registration.
Because of the nature of these events and our limited facilities, we can no longer accommodate children at these events and on-site childcare will not be available. If a lack of childcare is preventing you from attending the event, please contact us and we will try to connect you with someone.
Babes in arms are welcome to stay with their mothers in the circle. Girls or young women who are of age to participate and benefit from the mature atmosphere are welcome!
Maidens' Circles:
As the name implies, this series is intended for young women approximate ages 10-14, along with their mothers or female mentors. The nature of the program is to facilitate mother-daughter relationship, communication and connection as the daughter matures into adulthood. These circles are by registration only with two opportunities to register within the year at spring and then again autumn equinox.
Earth Children:
This parented series is intended for children ages 4-10 and parent(s) or an adult mentor. The nature of the program is to facilitate and nurture parent-child relationship, communication and connection within nature and the context of us as spiritual beings.
Workshops and Classes:
Most workshops are intended for adults and/or mature young people, some may be more appropriate for women only, others may be fun for everyone. Check the workshop description to decide or contact us if you aren't sure. Most workshops require registration.
2) What should I bring?
See the event page for a list of items for each type of event!
3) Is there any cost associated with the events?
Most of our events are offered on a donation basis, suggested donation if the event generates expenses and/or supplies or with a set modest fee to cover expenses.
One Tree Village is run not-for-profit and considers it high priority to make events accessible to all regardless of their financial situation. All of the people who contribute to the Village administration and organization do so on a volunteer basis in order to give to the community. However, some fees do apply for certain events such as workshops and retreats due to the cost of running these events and materials. Donations allow us to maintain our facilities and continue growing, as well as represents an exchange of energy and gratitude between members of the community. We also accept donations towards a bursary program which enables those in financial need to be included in programs.
4) Where are the events held?
Most events listed on the website are held at the De Winton Acreage, 10 minutes south of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. See the Contact page for directions.
5) I don't own a vehicle and the event is out of town, is there carpooling available?
If you are having a hard time finding a ride to the acreage, please let us know and we may be able to help coordinate a ride for you. The Somerset/Bridlewood train station is the end of the line in the south and is only 15 minutes from the acreage; chances are, someone will be able to pick you up there on their way out of town if all else fails!
6) I have a particular religious or spiritual practice, will I feel uncomfortable?
It is largely up to you as a participant whether or not you feel comfortable to join for any or all of the events and activities offered at One Tree Village. If you feel a particular part of it is against your beliefs, please don't feel pressured to participate! Our spiritual ceremonies are intended to be non-religious and inclusive, though we may draw upon a variety of traditions and personal practices, we try to ensure that everything we use has positive practical value to the group. If you have particular traditions that you feel would benefit and be meaningful to the group we would be happy to consider incorporating them in future gatherings.
We encourage people of all religious and spiritual faiths to come together in harmony, without judgment, pressure, or condemnation. We feel the Village offers a good opportunity to connect with yourself and your spiritual nature, to strengthen spiritual relationships, and spend time praying, meditating, reading, and celebrating in whichever tradition you follow. Perhaps you will find that there are others attending who also share some of your feelings and practices as well!
7) I feel awkward talking in front of people I don't know, will I have to say anything?
One Tree Village strives to provide a non-judgmental, compassionate listening space for those who wish to share. We try to create a sense of welcome and belonging for anyone attending, whether for the first time, 5th or 105th--we hope you will never feel like "just a guest", even if you come only once or prefer to mostly observe for a while! Confidentiality is also a very important part of our space, we emphasize trust and kindness within the group, and prohibit gossip and abuse. Many people find that it is only here, within the circle, that they truly can share what is on their heart!
However, if you are not yet ready to speak, you definitely don't have to! We might like to know your name, but beyond that, feel free to pass the talking stick onward.
Also, if you do really feel uncomfortable that you don't know anybody (though hopefully that won't last long), try bringing a friend along with you!
8) I feel like I am struggling emotionally and that I would end up bringing everyone down, should I still come?
One Tree Village is a place to refresh, restore, and reconnect. If you are feeling tired, drained, or depressed, all the more reason to join others for a day of healing and rest! Allow yourself to receive. Open your heart to take in the love of others and yourself. You devote a lot of energy pleasing others and giving them what they need, try taking one or two special days of the moon to root down and refill those energy stores--you will be glad you did! Just keep in mind that everyone has days (or months) like that, and know that by focusing on healing yourself now, you will be able to truly reach out and help others when they need your love and understanding.
However, we do ask that when you come, you keep awareness of the possible delicate nature of other's emotional states, and respect the intentions of the Village to provide a safe, nurturing space for all to find peace within a community free from any abuse or insensitivity.